Sunday, July 13, 2014

Rubbing Elbows with the Powerful and Influential

I had the opportunity to rub elbows with some of the town's movers and shakers this evening.  The teacher group that I came down with was treated to a banquet hosted by the town council as well as the mayor himself.  Since I was able to comprehend about 70% of the mayor's Spanish, he deemed me to be an excellent conversation partner and we spent the majority of evening discussing a range of topics.  I enjoyed getting to know him and I learned a lot about the Guatemalan political system. I also heard the mayor's dream that the town can offer enough educational opportunities to slow down migration from the town to the Rio Grande.  On the flip side, he was amazed by the idea of federal financial aid for college students, which is something that Guatemala does not currently offer.

In other news,  I also received the answer to the question that has been on my mind for days: Why does the chicken in Guatemala taste better than chicken in the United States?  The answer is that the chickens are local and free-range.  It makes me wonder if I should upgrade during my next trip to the grocery store.  After all, politicians don't lie, right?

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